The Storms of Change
Every year as our kids head back to school, there are a lot of changes to deal with. Changes in schedules, changes in routines, and the inevitable emotional changes as we watch our kids head back to school another year older.
This year we’re facing many more changes than normal. Some of our kids are going back to school early, some are adjusting to staggered schedules, some are having to wear masks, and school as we have always known it is completely different this year.
In a year where we’ve faced a lot of change from every direction, I want to remind you of the silver lining.
Getting Unstuck
“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain.”
Have you seen The Holiday? The one with Cameron Diaz? I hope so, because it’s the best.
There is a scene in there with Jack Black and Kate Winslet. They were standing outside and the winds started picking up like crazy. Jack told Kate that they were the Santa Anna winds. And when they blew all bets were off.
I was reminded of that this morning during my quiet time. I was sitting outside and the winds started going crazy. And in the midst of my prayers to God to ask for the millionth time why all this change, I smiled. I put my head back and let the wind blow. All bets are off. Aka: what happens next?
We don’t like change because we don’t know what’s next. We want to cling to the old ways because it’s familiar. I know I do. But what I also know is, with change always comes an adventure of sorts. An adventure to see what is around the corner that could be better.
With every single change in life we have the option to stay stuck or to see where it takes us. Only one of those things keeps resistance away. And y’all that have followed me a while know how detrimental resistance is to happiness.
It’s not easy getting to the place of surrendering what change will bring, but when you do, you’ll notice that with this shift in your heart, there will be peace. And maybe even a little excitement for what’s to come.
I can’t always get to this point right away. But I know that if I don’t try, that resistance will creep into my soul and I will be in a constant bad mood that will affect my energy that will affect everyone around me. And that’s the last thing I want to deal with in the midst of everything going on.
“Something that started out looking totally disastrous had ended up with a positive result. Time and time again I was seeing that if I could handle the winds of the current storm, they would end up blowing in some great gift. I was beginning to view these storms as a harbinger to transformation.”
Center Your Thoughts
Covid, Coronavirus, quarantine, sickness, fear, uncharted territory, masks, hand sanitizer, change, permanent, the new normal, school closings, opposing views.
Admittedly during this storm of covid, coronavirus, quarantine, sickness, fear, uncharted territory, masks, hand sanitizer, change, permanent, the new normal, school closings, and opposing views, I have forgotten from time to time that I have a say in what I choose to center my thoughts on. I have taken the above words to heart and have taken them on as bible. This is what life is now. Wrong.
Remembering boundaries, I have taken back my power. Because when you are exercising boundaries, you choose the thoughts you think.
I choose the feelings I have. I can choose to not focus on the lack, the fear, the change and focus my thoughts and energy on shifting the way I am looking at what we are experiencing.
So many times in my life I have seen the above quote play out in my own life. And if I choose to look at what we are going through as something constructive that will bring about “some great gift,” things get lighter. I get lighter. And you have that option too.
Don’t get stuck in the inertia of everyday life and believe things won’t get better. I need you to believe this is blowing in some great gift. Because the more of us that live this way, or pivot our thoughts around this, the more powerful we are. (FAITH)
If you feel yourself starting to get anxious, surrender. If you feel yourself starting to get mad, surrender. If you feel yourself starting to be fearful, surrender. Take your thoughts captive, take a deep breath and surrender.
Focus on:
Hope, adventure, new experiences, LIFE, excitement, friendship, support, freedom, growing, transformation, gift, humor, calm, family, helping.
You have my word I will be doing it too.
So all bets are off y’all... what’s next?