Quiet Your Mind
“Like radio signals, our thoughts broadcast our beliefs and expectations out into the world and bring back into our lives an exact vibrational match.”
I believe this. I call this faith. What we spend time thinking is what we believe will (really) happen. And usually we are right.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the belief of things not seen.
This is an account of so many people who on paper should have believed one thing but instead believed for better, believed out of the box, and because they knew God was that big, those things came to pass. They didn’t even question it.
Positive OR negative. Our minds are powerful. So why do we let these thoughts overtake us? Maybe because we are comfortable there. Maybe because at some point in our early lives someone told us things just don’t work out. They told you to not to get your hopes up.
I have had this question many times in my inbox. “Lauren, how do you just stop having conversations in your head that are not true?” My response is always, “Just stop.”
Here’s what you can do to start practicing. Take every thought captive. Ask yourself these questions at that moment:
Is what is going on in my head true?
Has what is going on in my head actually happened or am I making it up?
Will the time I am spending thinking about something that hasn’t actually happened add anything to my life right this second?
Is it taking time AWAY from what I am committed to be doing ie: mommying, working, being present with my spouse?
Answering these questions separates tangibly your two selves. (For more about that, click here.) This shows you who is running the show and makes it easier to start shutting unnecessary chatter down.
Do I do this 100 percent all of the time? Nope. And in those times I have my people that I trust and that know me that I go to to work it out. But I do successfully do this more often than not and it is freeing. I want that for you!
What are the voices inside your head saying about you? How often are you playing out a scenario in your head, thinking you know what the other person is going to say? When you’re with people, are you with them? Or are you thinking about the next thing? Or the argument you had earlier today?
Quieting our mind is not easy but possible. And when we can separate the lies from the truth, it’s peaceful and restful. If we can learn to recognize when those dangerous voices creep in versus God’s truth, we can practice separating and shutting down dark.
Imagine if the collective, right now, shut off the news. Imagine if we just knew this thing would end earlier, businesses would come back better than ever, and bonus, this new way of life of connecting and loving stayed. What we think about is what, ultimately, we have faith in. Let’s flip the script.
Things do work out. Life is beautiful. Remind your original self of this, the self behind the person we’ve created to handle the blows. And sit in it every day.
Let’s tell our kids this on the daily. Remind them what God told them in the beginning in their little hearts; that life IS what they think it will be.
Ya’ll, we do not win awards for suffering. But we WILL create a joy filled life when we choose not to suffer any longer.
You’ve got this. DM me if you need support or more explanation!