Episode 11: Stepping Into Full Belief with Jessica Edwards and Cindy Santi
These two women live out belief and visualization like nobody else I know. And that is what this week’s show is about.
Jessica Edwards and Cindy Santi are two very important women in my life from a friendship level and a collaborative level. Y’all hear me talk all the time about finding people that understand what you want to understand and doing life with them. These are a couple of those people for me.
I can’t wait for you to hear all of the nuggets of gold they have for anyone who is willing to listen. Let me know what you learn!
“I think belief and faith and trust just really comes in accepting the answer that you’re given. And sometimes that’s difficult because you think personally you have such a great plan.”
“A lot of times you have to get out of your comfort zone and maybe do the things that aren’t easy. When we push ourselves and step out in faith, that’s where all the beauty is. That’s where God grows you.”
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